2019 Hall of Fame

The 2019 SHHSAA Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement

Larry Anderson 6‘69
Patricia Ebeling Faloon 1‘47
Kathleen Paull Frost 6‘57
Michael W. Johnson 6‘69
John Kazlauskas 6‘63
Bruce Seiling ‘58
Justice Ralph Cappy ’61, Posthumous Award
George Cupples, M.D. ‘44, Posthumous Award
Earl Wild ’34, Posthumous Award

Class Champions

Marion Nelson Johnson ‘44
Jerry LeGrand ‘54


Constance Griffin, English Teacher

All successful Class Reunions have at least one “Hero” who makes it happen.
SHHSAA has instituted this new Class Champions category of recognition.
Class reunions are dear to the hearts of many of us. It’s a place where we
express our respect for that time in our lives by sharing it with those who
experienced it with us. No one person pulls off a reunion but there is
usually at least one or two stars who rise to the task of keeping old friends
together over the long haul. As we announce the initial “Champions
Category” think about those in your class who deserve that official